happiness is....
- ruby red grapefruits
- my friend Katie saying "I'm not sure if the pattern is called 'My First Cabled Sweater' because it's for a 6 month old or because it's in a beginners knitting book."
- thinking I've finally gotten the right swatch for Rogue
The swatches and their respective yarns. (colors are a bit off because I'm relying on artificial light)
The sweater (folded in a tealy-green color) is one of my store-bought favorites and the Bartlett yarns (in a teal/blue color and a blue/purple color) are sitting on top. (I thought the color looked familiar...) I think I got the right gauge in this yarn, but I need to wait and see what it looks like when they're really dry. In the middle is an olive greenish cascade 220 and it was the most difficult to get the right stitch count. On the far left (sitting next to my new favorite face cloth from Theresa) is the icey purple Jo Sharp yarn. Getting gauge with this was a big stretch but I thought I'd try.
All in all, I can get 5 stitches to an inch with multiple needle sizes and multiple yarns - getting 4.5 was nearly impossible.
I know that swatches can lie and hemming and hawing about half a stitch per inch might not be a good use of time, but I really want to get this right. Tomorrow they will all be dry and I can measure them without bias (just picture me trying to force them into the sizes I want and then trying to feel the resulting fabric to see if it's sweater-able). I know blocking can help and that might ultimately be what I need to rely on. The bartlett is a thicker yarn and I thought it'd be easier to get the right gauge but even that swatch feels a little bit thin to me. The cascade is thinner but sleeker and softer, and though the "right" swatch feels thin to me, it might feel different when it's dry.
With any luck I'll have two sleeves on the needles tomorrow...
One of my first (successful) sweaters was made with Bartlettyarns, and it has worn really well. Not quite as soft as the Cascade, though; but maybe a bit firmer fabric at that gauge? Ah, choices, choices!
You are so dilligent! Thats the kind of work I always know I should do, but have a hard time doing.
Wow - a celebrity facecloth!
You and I were having opposite gauge issues with Rogue - by the time I finally got gauge it felt too "thick" to me, although now it seems fine. Any luck with the sleeves today?
I love Rogue, although I won't make it for myself because I don't think it would be flattering on me. I'm going to enjoy watching you knit it.
Yay for you and washing swatches. The other tip people give is to hang the swatch for a day or so, to see how gravity starts to stretch it. I wish I had done that for the alpaca sweater for the DH.
you are such a good and diligent knitter... I have yet to swatch... but then I have yet to complete anything that is not an accessory.
Good luck (and thanks for comment too!)
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