Sunday, March 13, 2005

happiness is.....

- not having to shovel almost a foot of snow this weekend
- enjoying time with my family over good (and homemade!) food
- being on spring break and not having to be anywhere tomorrow
- (and thus being able to knit as long as I want!!!)
- four loads of clean and folded laundry

I wasn’t going to head back south today, but it worked out well because I was able to drop my “Boston” brother off at the bus station. The streets are clear but there is snow piled up everywhere, and rumor has it we’re in for another storm next week. I’m flying out on Wednesday and back on Sunday; my only hope is that I’m not stranded at an airport on either end!

Knitting: My mom passed the pulsewarmers I made up for my godmother, and she casually remarked that she liked them. I offered to make her a pair, and knit them up on size 1’s with an extra repeat. (the originals were on size 2’s following the pattern) They were a smiggen bigger and more comfortable, and I was able to get them started and finished yesterday. I also started another Dulaan hat, and started working out how I can line the ones I’ve made with flannel and fleece. My grand plans for working on Sonnet fell through because the bag of knitting that I mentally labelled “do not forget!” was the one thing I managed to leave here this weekend. It all worked out though, as I did remember all of my laundry and doing it for free in a “real” washing machine was worth the trip!

Tomorrow? I’m going to knit my heart out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Second package is on its way to you. I hope you get it before Easter!

Hope you get a chance to knit yourself a replacement hat one of these days too.



8:10 AM  

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